Tame the Chaos!

UP your profit & efficiency.
All your inventory tasks - for
All your offices - in one place.

Unlimited Users

Do multiple staff share inventory responsibilities? Unlimited users, one low cost.

Community Marketplace

The most robust inventory marketplace available. Customize preferred supplies - and suppliers.

Make Changes in Real time

UPTracker updates across the entire system in real time.

Customizable  Workflows

UPTracker will work for you, the way you work.

Secure Hosting & Backup

All your data, secure and backed up in the cloud.

Manage Multiple Locations

All your inventory tasks - for one or many offices - in one place.

Customizable Reports

Stay focused on the metrics that matter to your practice for optimal efficiency and savings.

Low and Critical Stock Alerts

Avoid out-of-stock with automated low-inventory alerts.

Budget Planning & Oversight

Optimize your purchasing power and adjust your spend.

No Contract Monthly Subscription

Plans to fit your practice, with no long-term obligation.

Orthodontic Inventory System

Access global pricing data, automate orders, and collaborate seamlessly across all devices!